The Social Shuffle

Try as I might, I can’t pull away
I’m warped by the force and succumb to the sway
I lose my zen as I’m sucked in by that which distracts
I can only fall to the gravitational pull
Can do naught but succumb to the orbital lull
Cannot outrun the light of the sun: I’m the moth it attracts.

I’m drowning in the cultural tide
Beaten by surf of a worldly pride
Can’t cope with the motion of the internet ocean: adrift at sea
And I feel the fate of the watery drowned
The shipwrecked souls and the foolishly crowned
I but suspect the watery wrecked were once afloat like me

I hate how it feeds the hungry hates
The two-minute bites feel like infinite fates
It’s not my say to look away from that beautiful screen
Oh, how I can gaze and while away time
A dopamine button that’s pretty, sublime
It stimulates, and patiently waits, and I don’t want to wean

If you put it down it is you who has lost
You didn’t factor in the societal cost
The price to pay: you’ll be cut away and cease to exist
It’s an unfair game where you’ll be soundly beaten
You’ll be slowly forgotten: an unsocial cretin
You won’t know for sure if you ever were or will be missed.

I think it’d be fine to drowsily drift
But I worry about each subtle shift
Where I might obey the orbital sway of gravity’s well
I don’t know if I’d rather be thrown
Slingshotted and slewn to parts unknown
Or if being displaced out in space would be like hell

For now I am stuck and can only move
On the pre-laid path of gravity’s groove
Heavily weighed by choices unmade and freedom not found
But still, I can choose to scroll without end
‘Til the line between digital and reality bends
To be on the brink where I may sink, so tidally bound.

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